in 10517 year old monica fetterman arrived here with her brother and parents after a long and difficult journey from the east. the family had been forced to flee from so lazy. they assigned us to that apartment upstairs it had a kitchen in the bedrooms in the back there facing the street to sluff the men. but when they arrived what they experienced was far from any kind of culture of welcome . the woman who owned the house was adamant she did not want to take in a family that had children and she fought hard to keep them out. before that when the woman who lived there didn't want to have to put up the children she had no kids of her own and she didn't want any around. she started making a scene saying she wouldn't let us in that we'd have to stay outside. so we just stood there until the police arrived and forced her to take us in. and that set the stage for how we were treated afterwards to. overflow so i was no exception throughout the country millions of people needed to be resettled . momus he doesn't force you often have 3 families living in a 4 room apartment most conflicts origin