no, no, no, no. monica garcia, i'm a mission engine matter projected in the game on a job as well. what a bushy this is the favorite school days in southern afghanistan and air force, cargo plane need to use the old 19 fifties airport to bring in vidal, weapons and supplies. it's a lifeline for other local soldiers. and for thousands of coalition troops fighting the war on terror, the 1st sides of anti americanism are surfacing and it's clear there are powerful courses. here with a vested interest, improved walking, violent opposition, we would simply say to the people of afghanistan today, that we have given commitments, we will honor those commitments both on the humanitarian side, on terms of rebuilding up kind of stuff. one of the most reading and repressive regimes ever the database is now out of business. the oh, the the the the the the the you can you please you can google the supers to do on our criticism or did you we are great. i was now in the war on terror. we look forward to a better future for the people and, and to many, many years of african american friendship. tha