monica boulevard. it's a place that joan used to teach her students for many years and several years into doing this her brother became interested in genealogy and found out the great-great- grandfather in the second minnesota is buried in the cemetery off wilshire boulevard in los angeles and that is part of what she wrote about in her essay. so, there are a lot of different sites here and at the book that lends itself to you don't have to start at the beginning, you should because steve's essay leads off but i will tell you right now that started steve's essay and i will say it doesn't matter if you start with steve's essay, you can open the book to almost anyplace and then range backward and forward much like winds of war, i think this appeared in the series at the university of georgia and it's a book you can sample and go in any direction that you like. i want to come back because have a follow-up question then i promise to leave time but steve, i'm curious, this is a reconstructed shiloh chapel . >> did you go there before it was there? do you remember the battlefield before it was there? >> if it