. >> president monika zajac? president mazzuco. >> here. >> and commissioner dejesus. chan? >> present. >> kingly, in route, i believe. commissioner loftus? here. >> woel come to the meeting and we have a heavy agenda tonight and we have matters that we have to deal with regarding, the special police officers and we have matters that we have to do in the closed session, regarding disciplinary matters in against the city which are in the closed session, but we do have important presentations of certificates of appreciation and in addition to the usual reports from the occ and the police department and we will have a lot of reports from the commission and a lot of activity since the last meeting, but before, and before i proceed tonight and before we adjourn in honor of the memory of certain people, former officers or people that are good to the san francisco police department and before we start tonight, i would ask the chief, to lead us in a moment of silence in honor of the memories of those officers and firefighters who died in nine 9/11 in new york like our officers they