to thank you all i'd like to thank that i'm joined on the stage but you have to call to monique commissioner adams, commissioner brandon and commissioner murray and wyoming how that are lucky to be here i know it's hard to thank everyone but stu thank you to the port staff 80 that went above and beyond john and peter and john and tom and carter and his group and dan and others thank you all and so many others of the important staff (clapping) of course, the leadership tenacity and sleep also nights was wording if we'd be able to pay for this and our director has been the driving force her commitment and that of her leadership team to this project has not wavered and with the combined effort many of you have been mentioned your we're they've to monique for this (clapping) you beat me to the bunch i punch a project like this is on time and budget is really k30ir8d give her another hand, please (clapping) our commission and the port staff worked hard for the progress in our community to the waterfront from the restaurants to the ball parks to the museums to entertainment venues and now to the first c