chairman, members of the committee, monique smuda from the controller's office. the agreement is under the medicaid program and so long as the city and county provides the services, and consistent with the substance abuse, mental health, and so on the funds should be coming in. the issue may be one of cash flow. and again pending the approval of the budget, the cash may be interrupted. however within the controller's office and our cash flow work, we ensure that departments have sufficient moneys to be able to pay their employees, their contractors, and so on in the interim. but we have not heard that this particular program was subject to any reductions at this point. commissioner avalos: ok. great. thank you. we can open this up for public comment. any member of the 3ub lick like to comment on item number one? seeing none, we'll close public comment. and motion to accept. taken without objection. full forward with recommendation. wait, we have -- with the budget analysis recommendation. ok. mr. young, if you could please call item number two. >> item number two