2nd largest in the world the reef was dying but it's now gradually being brought back to life monique vernon is one of those fighting on its behalf. well i feel like when i look at work it's like. when they call me or say all right we're going to all do this laughing work here at the corals here whatever it is i'm like all right let's do this let's let's wrap this let's wrap today beneath the surface it's clear why the reef is struggling the corals have been dying off the sea water is too warm to acidic and the frequent hurricanes have wreaked havoc here climate change is turning everything gray together with marine biologist lisa calm on the fragments of hope organization monique is rebuilding the corals. overdo it so there's no time to waste right now corals are basically like the forest to the seams so just like the trees in the forest provide habitat and shelter for so many other animals the corals do the same on the reef very meticulously after much research and careful selection they take a few fragments of some especially hardy quick growing corals then they plant them in new places s