we have presentations by donna levitt, office of labor standards enforcement, and monique zmuda, controller's office. >> i and the deputy comptroller. the comptroller's office, and we have been working with the city attorney as well as with the office of labor standards to recommend these amendments that are before you today. the point of the amendments is to facilitate the appeals process for both the department of labor standards as well as for the appellant. the procedures are also recommended to clarify the appeals process, and, hopefully, we will expedite the appeals process and also will encourage settlement and agreement of us sitting issues when there is opportunity to agree. and, therefore, i would just like to walk you very quickly through some of the changes. there are not a lot of them, but we do hope they will expedite the appeals process. nearly all of the changes that you have in the legislation in front of you are located between pages 8 and 12 of the legislation, so the wording that is undermined or crossed out represents the amendment to the legislation, in starting on page