henning wÖtzel-herber now runs two websites, both of which are devoted only to the monobloc.e's collected photographs, stories, videos, and music. >> on plasticchair.org, any photo by anyone is welcome. there are still enough blank spots on the map where i don't yet have a plastic chair picture. i'd like to change that. >> with more than a billion monoblocs out there, the plastic chair is now the most commonly-found piece of furniture in the world, whether you like it or not. >> undeniably value for money, but maybe the wrong values there. now asean, the association of south east asian nations, is the fastest-growing economic region in the world. but there is a lot of disparity among its members. we caught up with the singaporean parliamentarian penny low, who has also been named a young global leader by the world economic forum. she says it's about time that her country starts sharing its wealth with its neighbors. >> we can't say that you could just turn out a good leader by sending them to a good business school or a good governance school and, voilÀ, the leader would appe