step up to the microphone and pose your albuquerque i ask that it be a question, not a speech or monolog, but somebody come forward -- or monologue, but somebody come forward. >> this is usually not a shy bunch. >> come on, you're all lawyers. >> mr. chief justice, judge, last term, i think it was, there was a school case commonly known as bong hits for jesus. this term you had a school case involving a strip search. if you were a school administrator, how do you go forward? in the alaska case, unfettered power to punish a student for speech off campus, this term, an administrator strip searches a student believing the administrators have the power to do that, but the court rules no there is a limit to the power. what guidance do cool administrators get from those cases? >> first, i wouldn't characterize the bong hits case as unfettered power, there are limitations there. but also i think it's a central point, it's true across the board. if you're going to get all your guidance on issues of that type from the supreme court, you're going to have a lot of difficulties. take the strip searc