from turkish land war threaten us the throne behind your back is empty there is no one to put on a monomakh's hat, you understand? don't bother me. entering in peace have patience, sir, i'll bring you something new. stop you are a slave as the property of a soldier, you have the right only to be silent and follow orders to be silent and follow orders fu, and in case of disobedience die. let him go. it is a great joy for the great sultan to contemplate the torment of sinners like you. yes, god forgive me old christmas eve well, sugar im burtia feelings bride, i saw her as you just now dead dead. arslan is also the russian bride of the sultan, and the armenian was a concubine. do you know what shot the arrow? our ali brother shot at her, why did you protect princess alice? risked his life, nearly died. arslan let him go. he tells the truth, i myself saw how they were dragged into the cell. where are you going? san, who are you? to stand leave, you're fine. i'm going to you. my lord something happened, we called me at such a late hour. how are the preparations for my wedding going? your bride is