i just want to comment on a recent meeting i went to that was held at monroe lounge. i go to a lot of community meetings. this was effective because you have residents, group and even the d. a.. you have discussions about safety and the broadway corridor collect ively is going through another revitalization. i want to say this, i'm encouraged and i see great upside to broadway because all the stake holders that shared in that meeting weren't pointing fingers at this meetings. they were saying how do we move towards a solution and i just want to say we'll keep everyone in tune with that as we move forward but i just want to say i was very pleased with it. thank you. >> thank you. >> any other people want to address, seeing none -- okay. one more. >> good evening, i just wanted to express our gratitude for then at the n at the same entertainment commission. thank you. >> thank you for you're comments. >> okay. moving along. item no. 2, i will need a motion to continue the minutes. from march 5th. >> i move to continue the minutes for march 5th. >> okay. do we have a sec