i had always wanted to see monroeville, and i had done these southern driving trips, but i never made it to town where harper lee was born and raised. you know, not that the novel is purely autobiographical, but it bears a strong resemblance to town in the novel. i wanted to see it. so in 2017, you know, for 50 years harper lee had said i'm never publishing another book, and she often announced in her 80s that she's publishing this book, and her older sister who had been her caretaker and kind of business manager had died a few months before that, and there were all these questions about the prove nance of that manuscript and about her ability to consent to publication. and so reporters from everywhere went down and was hooking into that book when i found out about this other book she had tried to write. and it was interesting and strange, and, you know, given a thousand years i would never have guessed it's what harper lee was up to in the years after "to kill a mockingbird." the more i looked at it, the more interesting it was, and the more original people were alive. music to a rep