as he he was getting ready to get his procedure he had monsignor quinn's image in mind. he. he just thought of monsignor queen. he came to that surgery very successful. he attributes that express to the intercession of monsignor quinn. >> he he also built an orphanage in long island. when workout out there is a black is there at the kkk burnt it down. he rebuilt it in the kkk burnt it down again. >> the story goes he confronted the kkk right outside -- and he said if you're going to burn it on your going to burn it don't mean my people in it. you not to do this again. he stood up to the kkk. >> monsignor quinn work there and he was a pre-still a priest till his dying day and he was buried right there. he still there. >> ron, you did the right thing by us. chase the story on food and he brought some. >> talk and everybody in here everybody's busy these days and a lot of people are subscribing to come is like lou apron and plated which deliver ingredients to your meal. door. one problem is that indian food is a cuisine that averages 20 or 30 ingredients per dish. a 23-year-old