the claims of the yugoslavs, and monte negro in 1915, and a yellow state called corridor. i'm not sure what they thought they would be able to accomplish by this, but it shows the many ways they're thinking. one problem they quickly realize they've run into is that it's possible, it may just be possible to create states that will be ethnically homogenous. it may also be possible to create states that can feed themselves, that is, are economically sustainable. and it may be possible to create states that can defend themselves. it is not possible to create states that can do all three. what do you want to prioritize? this is what produces ideas like the polish corridor and the internationalization of the city of dan zig. it's these kinds of ideas that give the land of czechoslovakia. the goals you want in states, the things you want them to do are, in fact, mutually incompatible. and no matter what you do, one of those three things is going to suffer, even if ulk get the people who are actually living there to agree to live under these states. now, one guy who immediately sa