we've come to rome's not montanaro market it's a great place to buy fresh fruit including some lovely berries up there and you may or may not know that scotland is the place where berries are big business but the question now is what happens with brags because if the u.k. does choose to leave the european union as seems likely that means we're going to be slamming the door on the freedom of movement for those migrant laborers who are so vital to scottish from a. picture perfect scotland. the highlands famous for their breathtaking landscapes the castles and lakes add some bagpipes and a kilt and this is the way tourists experience this part of britain. like. the workers on the strawberry farms however don't get to see this side of scotland almost all of them came here from eastern europe. they earn around $300.00 euros per week here that equals a month's wage in romania and bulgaria but if you've done well the way forced. budget would you dimitri on has been spending the summer months in scotland for 7 years now as an e.u. citizen you never had problems entering the country but bracks