monte frank.s for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> your daughter sarah graduated from elementary school, in middle school now. one of her teachers was one of the teachers killed in the massacre, isn't that correct? >> yes. she had vicki soto as a third great teacher when her regular third great teacher went on maternity leave. it was vicki's first teaching job, brand new teacher, wonderful teacher. my daughter became very close with her. >> and what is it like today in newtown, connecticut in the aftermath of this tragedy. we have been hearing about the connecticut effect in washington, some people saying maybe we just have to wait for the connecticut effect to fade and this issue can go away. others saying the connecticut effect is driving this issue. what is the connecticut effect in newtown tonight? >> i think we've seen the connecticut effect. it is clearly growing. we had a tremendous rally in newtown when we left saturday morning, tremendous enthusiasm. we then -- essentially our ride