back with me now is montel williams that uses marijuana every day. dr. me, boston's children's hospital. dr. leevy, you heard what dr. sanjay says and montel who actively uses marijuana to deal with his pain successfully, why are you so opposed to this? >> well, i oppose medical marijuana, i want to start by saying i agree with a lot with sanjay and montel. so it's pretty clear that there are a lot of potential therapeutic events that are helping montel with his pain. there is canabadial helping the little girl in the documentary and as a physician, i think it's really important that we develop these as medications, and i'm not here to try and block patients who really need this -- really need the therapy from getting it. the issue is, though, that it's -- i would say as a medication, it's not really quite ready for prime time. there's a lot we don't know about it. we don't have a good idea how to do dosing. we don't know about the substance. the issue really is that for every patient who would benefit from medical marijuana, there are probably several o