montel williams now paying survivor benefits to the families of the fallen. montel joins me now.kes me very angry, i am sure it makes many americans angry. you're a former naval commander, you were in the marine corp and served for 22 years, and you have come to the rescue here with fisher house operation. this is ridiculous. government shut down, can't pay death payments to widows and children. >> i don't even know how this came about. i talked to two congressmen, one of them who had the audacity to take a shot at secretary of defense hagel saying he had the authority to do this. if he would have had authority to do so he would have done so to pass the bill today. the authority was not there, it was not written, there was no discretionary authority to do this. >> his answer seemed genuine, he said i am offended, outraged, at the government for not fulfilling this in the most timely manner, he is making his feelings very clear. >> this is not only disrespectful, this is a man right now that is shepherding the soldiers' families, the soldiers who have died. 21 have died since the