because montesquieu would not at all be surprised by what happened when tivo for example was removed, the authoritarian removed from yugoslavia. suddenly the serbs and the other ethnic groups were at each other's throats in the yugoslav zakaria commesso or when the soviet union was removed, suddenly all of the various parts began fighting with one another key would have set of course once you remove this authority from the top down, then these various ethnicities and these differences are going to come to the floor, and they make democracy very difficult because people have to willingly surrender some of their selfish interest, and that's not easy to do. founders would have been and they became very pessimistic about the ability of other people to become space. they fought the french were following them. ten years later and of course many french leaders thought so, too. lafayette, who was out the outset was one of the leaders of the french revolution 79. he said the key to the bastille to the prison and of course and france it was still july 14th, still celebrated as the beginning of