montesquieu talk about it. it was a brilliant implementation, and, in fact, if you look at article one, the legislative power, and look at article ii, the style is completely different. article i sets out with great precision in section eight the particular powers of the congress. and what are the powers of the president? the sentences are longer. the style is different. you have to go through, and in the middle of the sentence take out the executive power, the foreign ministers, and the appointment power of the commander-in-chief. there's a reason for that. the framers weren't sure what this executive should look like, but they were confident it was going to be washington and they trusted him. so i didn't think that the checks and balances were exactly a breakthrough in the prior state of the art montesquieu have written about. and you could see the reflection of it in england. military and power in the monarch, property and the lord, member in the comments, independent judiciary. so i thought, well, maybe it'