they too have read montesquieu. you'll hear later today, george, the third has read montesquieu. he's trying to figure out how to balance the different parts of government together. but his picture for what would be a healthy balance is different from the picture that the colonists are beginning to develop. and so you get a complete clash of understand thing about how to structure authority and respond stability in durable and sustainable ways in that clash in that conflict that you have in effect, the cauldron for what is really original and powerful constitutional thinking happening right there in 1776. it then shows up in the declaration of independence, and i'll end here in the list of grievances. now, you are all great students, so i'm sure you have not overlooked the list of grievances as many people do. many people read the beautiful preamble and they jump straight to the reason that they're all going to mutually pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to one another. don't skip the grievances, okay? does give them the part attention. they're organized in groups. fi