let's look at the exchange between sarah huckabee sanders and the executive director of the montgomery county sentinel from maryland. report onus not to stories of foreign countries trying to influence the presidential election? >> i do not think it is expected that you are not to report on actual news, if there is something there, but there are a lot of things happening in this world that a lot of people would like to hear about, whether job growth, deregulation, tax reform, health care, a lot of those things deserve more coverage and then they get the all we are saying, i think we should take a good look at what we are focused on, that we are covering, and making sure it is accurate and honest. if we make the slightest mistake, the slightest word is off, it is an absolute tirade from a lot of people in this room. news outlets get to go on day after day and cite unnamed sources, use sources without -- torres without sources, -- stories without sources, a story where they had to have reporters resign. >> you are inflaming everybody with those words. this administration has done that. why in the name o