. -3 parks was arrested in --3 1155 in montgooery, alabama -3 after efusing to give up er seet for ate maa. she beeame a allyiig ppint pprkk died in 2005 at &ppae 92. -& & ccming up on hh early edition... allinn for a pollcy change... within a nationaa organizaaion. pf america forced e back intt &pthe closet with its don't ask don'' tell poliiyy" reform... that'ssreportedly reached oer oneemillion signatures. 3 ((buup in)) 3&p((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 ((trafffc reporter addlibs)) map 400map 115 map 395 mapp 3 3 3 3 ptill to come... identttt seasonnthh red flags thht has been compromised. p3& pi pose no harm to anyone. i &ppassee alltteir backgroundd checks. i go tt church verr suuday." & sunday."urging the boy scouts pf america... to change its - ways.the cooe of cooduct... that some belleve is in need of updating. 3 p(breakk2)) 3 nationaa debaat is surgiig, as ittsban on openly gay embers and leaders.as casey wian repoots, the proposal would -33 leave the ltimate decisionnin the hands of individual troops. troopp. 3 greg bourke'' son isaiah joinnd the ub scouts ii the - offhis on