national center for the constitution and montpelier virginia, for homesick james aniston did a surveythat found that younger folks are so satisfied with it. older folks like you just like it is for the most part. what do they have in common? they haven't read it. in a really long time. how many of you read it in the last week? last month? yeah, i see little pickle of a hand. what does mean? how many have read it in the last year? one. well, okay. so we venerate the constitution, but we haven't read it. a lot of us feel its overheads come out of her reach. beyond reproach by mere mortals on this intimidating rto serves to make us feel like a system that begets can never be changed, no matter how much it contributes to record levels of political apathy and anger. sure we argue over the way elected officials and judges interpret the constitution, but few of us have qualms about the constitution itself. meanwhile constitutions outdo one another in declaring themselves more true to their opponents. they get their solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend not. as dysfunctional as this per