it's 2 hours north of us another at montreal lake first nation, in prince albert and that fire has passedo the community, burning six homes to the ground. the foundations is all that is left standing and still the situation is ongoing. there's hot spots in that community, and most parts of the province is high. >> faigss in -- first nations sa known as native american communities. there has been a number of evacuations as well. >> that's right. 7,000 people are staying in emergency shelters we under 13,000 have been forced out. half finding friends, family to live in. it's a sparsely populated part of canada. when you talk about 13,000 evacuated from their homes, it's a huge percentage of people living in this part of canada and there's no end in sight. we ask officials when can some evacuees plan to go home there's no firm answer. >> we see the fire equipment beyond you. seems they have brought the forces out available to them. do people in the communities feel it's been enough? >> it's a good question. if you ask some they say no. as i said earlier, they planned for 100 wildfires. when