. >> police issued a be on the lookout call for heather's car, a ten year old chevrolet monza with pennsylvania license plates. >> we have a system called ncic, national crime information center. and we can enter stolen vehicles, items, articles. pretty much anything and it will go out nationwide. >> at the autopsy, the medical examiner photographed and measured the wounds on heather's body. there were 40 wounds in all. >> i will do diagrams, photographs and acetate tracings, lay a sheet of acetate over the body, trace the injuries onto the acetate. those are then kept as evidence. >> from the amount of decomposition, the doctor indicated she had been dead for about a week. >> there were several stab wounds that were inflicted to her body after she died. there were some injuries that probably happened during the final few moments. >> it was obvious that it was at least three different methods of murder there. because she had a wire that, around her neck. >> the medical examiner also found a bloody shoe impression on heather's shirt. and what looked like knife wounds on her neck, both were indic