it, and if you don't keep persistent attention on the matter across the marine corps -- 142,000 moo raenz -- in that it's bin to show again because this is a. i have not set anything in motion with regards to whistle blowers accordingly. they got the me say sanl loud and two the the behavior. and if i find out, the violator will be prosecuted in every case. >> thank you. zft, the snar. i sgus. thank you all for being here today. tisht. and your success to that country. we suggested virginia max as a back of the submarine attack force. you just said with senator reed the slipping of the production will exacerbate the shortfall we're going to see going forward. i have a couple questions for you. first, let me say that i'm very proud of the maintenance done at the portland naval shipyard, the importance of that work when we think about the role that has the taekz. but it's my understanding -- this is obviously a very important navy, they were only able to. >> 2011; is that right. >>? so woor only control of the attacks, six out of ten kwz? >> that's right. they're adjudicated within the join