. >> mooerz piers, you know i ran for office four years ago when our plan in massachusetts was considered by republicans to be net net potentially a plus. it wasn't a negative. i ran for office. at that time we already had romney kair in place. and at that time people asked me would you use your romneycare and have a federal program just like it? and i said absolutely not. we'd violate the constitution. and states have differences that you have to accommodate. >> but in terms of the ideology, are republicans who say that it's wrong to take those who can't afford the insurance, to mandate them into getting some form of insurance, are they wrong in the spirit of the ideology? >> you said a couple of things there. one is do people have personal responsibility to care for themselves? yes, in my view. >> but if they can't afford it. >> we obviously can't mandate to do something if they can't afford it. and we didn't. states have the capacity to encourage their citizens to take personal responsibility. and by the way, the nice thing about a system like ours with federalist approach is that diff