mook, you know?ou don't have to worry about that in thailand, so here, it's a problem. [ laughter ] >> don't call me mook here. >> jimmy: don't call you mook. and this is -- boy, it's interesting to me how different you look. [ cheers and applause ] on this album cover. your solo album. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's a concept album. and that means what, exactly, a concept album? >> so, it start from i came to l.a. and try a different type of music. for this album. and it turns out that i love every single of them. so that's why i call this album "alter ego." i have five different character. >> jimmy: five characters. you perform as each individual character. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what are the characters? >> hm, okay. there's roxie. kiki. sunny. sweetie. and the last main girl is trixie. >> jimmy: which is the most like you? >> these days, i think bixie. >> jimmy: oh, really? i thought you were more of a sweetie. >> sometimes. when i drive. >> jimmy: is it speedy? driving fast speedy? >> yes. she loves ca