kind of weaving in traffic a little bit. >> officer moorer follows the car and continues to observe. >> slowed down, would speed up a little bit. weave to the right, weave back onto the road. that was kind of suspicious to me. >> the driver reaches a red light and doesn't stop until he's almost in oncoming traffic. >> at that time i felt i had enough probable cause to stop the vehicle and conduct standard field sobriety exercises. >> before officer moorer can flash his lights the car makes a right turn. but doesn't get very far. >> the driver of the vehicle ran up on the sidewalk, hit a guardrail, knocked down a bus stop sign, went up a tree, and rolled over back onto the road. >> it's hard to believe your eyes. the car slams right into the tree and flips over onto its roof. >> i didn't approach the car immediately. i didn't know what to expect. i didn't know what was coming out. i saw one passenger crawl out of the vehicle. i expected to see open containers of alcohol. i expected for him to stagger out of the vehicle. never did i expect to hear that the reason for the crash was text