. >> welcome, director mooueller, good to see you. let me follow up on the cyber vulnerability. let me preface our remarks by saying that from my viewpoint on the intelligence committee, from my viewpoint on this committee, from going out, seeing your folks in action at ncijtf, from looking at some of the cases that have been put together, i am very impressed with the ability and the dedication of the forces that you have deployed against our cyber threat. what i'm concerned about is not their ability, it's their adequacy. it's the quantity, not the quality. i think you run some very, very high-quality folks and i appreciate that. i went out on a limb about two years ago and said that i thought the theft of american intellectual property across our cyber networks was the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the human species through the theft and piracy and we were on the losing end of it and we weren't taking enough action to defend against it. and since then, general alexander has said virtually the same thing. he's the head of cyber command and the head of nsa. and pr