my name is mora wayne, assistant superintenedant of street repairs here to update on the pothole and paving data for end of fiscal year. our first slide is the annual pothole count service orders total received and shows we met our service level agreement with 311 of 90 repair rate of potholes within three days. our next slide is difference between our crew and pothole sweep crew. (indiscernible) that will continue to the end of this calendar year. finally, have our block paving slide. shows we reached the goal of 120 blocks for this year. there is two concrete streets added to the total for 507 blocks for public works in combination with contractors and operations crews paving. and the next slide is total square footage for paich paving of road and sewage defects and block paving square footage for each fiscal year. that's the final slide of our presentation. if you have any questions-- >> thank you. just playing catch up with you. commissioner hartwig. >> so, this is on subject but not also. not in the report. but i was wondering for parklets when business has a parklet, and they h