and so i'm moral, but you're moralistic. everybody left and right is eager to show that they are not moralistic. the other side is. so you get lots and lots of talk. the left sees all the family values campaign as moralistic. the right says, well, these people on the left trying to get people to overcome their antigay sentiments, they're moralistic. you get the idea, okay? what else? despite our uncertainties about religion, elite opinion in the united states respects and supports religion. left and right, democrat and republican. democrats and republicans endorse so-called faith-based initiatives. left and right argue that there is, indeed, room for religion in the public sphere. for example, on the right you have conservatives arguing, we should be able to say we are opposed to greed, we are opposed to adultery as the bible tells us. and on the left you have people saying, the churches, the religious institutions are the last bastion of escape from the commercial society out there. they are a potential place from which we