i think it's much moreopen. china used to be a very closed society and, of crse, one thing we have discovereds that chin cannot shut its doors on others iyou want toevelop china into a modern country. so i think that's very importanthing we have lrned. >> rose: now, you he witnessed all ofhat with deng xioping when he me to the united states. >> i was here. i w at the office but i tended some of the tivities. >> rose: now, what was i about him thatnabled him to sort of signal the fure for cna? >> hs a very broad-minded and far-sighted leader. and he lod china and the only thing he wants to do is to make his dream come true. that is china is t become a strongountry one day in the world. and he is st of unconventional. he has courage to do away with theraditions. some of th are not good for china. and it is no easy for him to be that couraous considering the conditions at that tim that exisd in china. so he's a very courageous person with a good command of the... of changes which are ting place in the world. so i