like to start off by introducing myself, morgan fitzgibbons, i would like to thank supervisor breed for nominating me for this position. a little bit about my xwal fi occasions, i am a co-founder of the wig party and we make the area around the wig more sustainable and resilient, you may not recognize me because i don't have my wig on today. in addition to the work that we do through the wig party which has a strong emphasis on bicycle advocacy as well as other things like local food and local economy projects, with regards to bicycle advocacy, we encourage safe riding, to promote bicycle use in general and i also am adjunct professor of environmental studies of the university of san francisco, so that's also, it's outside district 5, but also an important part of the growing bicycle culture through our neighborhood and inner city, you know, i'm excited about this opportunity, you know, i'm eager to help the board of supervisors achieve their state goal of creating 20% of trips by bicycle by 2020 as well as finally live up to that 40 year old declaration of transit first which i thi