i thought halves cool and i recently saw the rugby movie with morgan freeman.n explain. >> as liz said i have been doing polling about 10 years now. everything from presidential level, i worked for obama and kerry in 2004, senate races, gubernatorial, down to state races. so, pretty much everything and everything from top to bottom and in between. i recently started my own firm about six months ago, something like that. and i happened to walk into the fun world of polling today. as i go through this if you have any questions just throw a hand up and let me know. i know some of this will be a little dry in the beginning but i want to give everyone a little background. i don't really know how much knowledge anyone has of polling but to give you a few ideas of what is going on and we will move into what is hopefully more interesting. quantitative research is another way to describe this. one way i remember this is quanti quantitative, if you have a large quantity of numbers and, really, what polling does is allows the campaign to understand the opinions that voter