that's morgan spence!eers and applause] i don't know, i was still lighting matchbox cars on fire when i was 15 years old. this is interesting. starbucks is going to stop selling cds or i should say starbucks is going to stop attempting to sell cds. even though they're sitting next to the register, they stopped selling cds like four years ago. they will officially stop offering cds for sale at the stores by the end of march, but they will continue to sell slices of that pound cake with the white frosting on top that nobody eats. this, of course, is devastating news for nora jones. and, you know, starbucks isn't selling cds, what are we supposed to go there for? coffee? no thank you. hey, has anyone here in our studio audience tonight part of a book club? i didn't think so. book clubs seem to have gone out of style since the oprah show went offer the air, because raiding is the best thing you can do for your brain. in particular we need children to read. i started a book club. we had an interesting book this