weismann said, send me to stop morganthau. the british foreign office agreed and sent him to gibraltar. and there weizmann did it. every historian, every historian writes that this was a bra view rah performance. and, of course, it was. it was. he dominated henry morgan thaw. and he simply persuaded him to turn around and not continue with this mission. and morganthau really crept back to the united states with his tail between his legs. and then the foreign office sent weizmann to paris where the prime minister, lloyd george, and the foreign secretary -- none other than arthur balfour -- were at a meeting with other allied leaders. and lloyd george and balfour were fulsome in their praise of chaim weizmann. however, simultaneously the foreign office was arranging for an extraordinary figure, my new favorite historical figure, aubrey herbert. this man. to go to switzerland and talk to the turks about a separate peace. exactly -- or, i mean, within days of having sent weizmann to gibraltar to stop morganthau o to talk to the tu