been talking about a no-fly zone since the beginning of this thing and and in fact right now in moriopol, there's just, you know constant aerial bombardment of of that part of the country. you know, i think we're gonna get to a point when when we're gonna supply a no-fly zone we and and our allies and and you know and and when we get to that point we can look back and say why did we resist for so long? why did we have to lose 50,000 a hundred thousand ukrainian civilians before we got to that point and so on a military basis. i think there's there's more that can be done. we're doing a lot but there's more that can be done. and then coming to the sanctions. again, i i would say that that we're doing a pretty good job in in a certain way. i mean compared to what has ever been done before against russia or against any country for that matter. i would say that the current sanctions. that are being imposed are the most far-reaching the most dramatic that have ever been imposed. but we're not we're not there yet. yeah in in my opinion the purpose of sanctions at this point is not that we shou