morley swingle. rs is confident in their soul that this guy is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. keith morrison: of course, swingle told the jury about that dot of dna under jesse's fingernail. but there was more. several of steven's hairs were found on jesse's chest. morley swingle: the expert said that every hair on jesse's chest that had a root, they had tested. they all came back to being steven rios' dna. keith morrison: yes. and the kind of hair it was wasn't the sort that tends to just fall out. they were limb hairs-- l-i-m-b. hairs from your arm. keith morrison: and here, the prosecutor went out on a limb. he argued, steven must have rubbed off those hairs when he used a common police chokehold called the unilateral neck restraint. that is how steven rendered jesse unconscious, said morley swingle, before killing him. i've been a police defensive tactics instructor for about 30 years. and i was the academy instructor that steven rios went through. i'm going to move in and get underneath