the mormans came to the door and had a rare success. i became an morman as a teenager until i was 18. >> how did that change your life? >> being an morman in the mid-west made me feel like an outsider. it allowed me, because there is no paid clergy, to do a lot of public speaking in sunday meetings. that experience sort of allowed me to hone -- i hesitate to say glibness that probably served me in good sted as i attempted to get into princeton and then survive. what does it look like in the morman church inside as opposed to us looking from the outside? >> the churches themselves are open to the public. it's the temple that are not. really what goes on are lessons on the book of mormans. they are rather peculiar skrip ters. it's important to realize that mormanism is not the same as fundamental christianity. it has a different history. morm morman. no one looks more establishment gashed than mit romney. they still cannot crack the main street barrier against hem. >> why did you leave them at 17? >> at that age, morman males are expected