good morniig uyssif this winds that are predicted... ng these trees anging nearrpowerr lines could reek havoc on our region... yet again. ,3 again.i think we all remeeberr this... june's derecho stoom that left aalost a milllon ppople hereein marylaad in he dark... some of thee for weeks. b-g-e says it's learned few time arouud....the power company says it's lready pre- mobillzed more han a thousand process of coordinating "out - of state" crews ready to help sandy....hits us hard. 6:07:14we'rr ot quite surr the degree offthe impact. in the next 24448 hours weewill consider the impact needd and increase ur emppoyees and ccnnractors that re aaailaall the storm aasss and we also can increase crews we bring in outtge... or evennif you see a downnd power llne... b-g-e is askiig that you call them right thhy can get out there anddfix it. in the meantime....thhre are ssoe thiigs yoo need to do now. the emergency plan every family should have... coming up next half in pilliland, foo45 morning news. updattnggthe maps you'll