already, moroccan highlanders are casting about for new ways of earning a living. >> more than 100,000 people live in the region around the bin el ouidane reservoir lake in the atlas mountains. life here is hard. many would like to move away if they could. people like this farmer. his fields overlook the reservoir, some 1000 meters above sea level. idris bakur could no longer make a living farming, so he decided to become a fisherman, like his father before him. >> i wouldn't want my son to become a farmer like i did. it's too hard. at least fishing provides us with more of an income than we used to have. >> bakour is the spokesman for a local fishing cooperative. it's joined forces with the moroccan forestry authority to launch a campaign against people moving away. the initiative is supported by the german aid agency giz. members meet regularly to discuss issues such as fish stocks and fishing quotas. >> we started out by completely reorganizing the fishing industry because it wasn't regulated at all. people would just go out in their fishing boats, but now they've founded a collecti