morochenkov was developed by mr. morochenkov living in the united states.cktail of metabolites, which has become widespread among world-class athletes, that is, from 2005 to 2007, rodchenkov, together with the urals, create a kind of doping that cannot be determined by the methods used by water in order to determine whether it is doping or not july 6, 2006 the decision of a special commission of the federal agency for physical culture and sports of the russian federation, mr. rodchenkov was appointed director of the lip anti-doping center 2011, the federal drug control service initiates the arrest of mr. roshchinchenko's sister on charges of illegal trafficking in anabolic steroids rodchenkov was transferred for the sale of potent substances. on february 21, 1911, rodchenko was charged with committing a crime under part three of article 234 of the criminal code of the russian federation and a preventive measure was chosen in the form of a written undertaking not to leave. well, in principle, in principle, all this is already enough for mr. rodchenkov's care