indecisiveness have to do with it, what do you care they didn’t say, but what should they have told me, morozov shimanskyn through a lot, we are tired, we... but i remind you that we all took an oath and must defend our soviet homeland to the last drop of blood, the interests of the homeland require that we release our intelligence officers, they are captured by the germans, the number of germans in the village of sosnovka is orderly. the detachment begins to move quickly, perhaps the germans will pursue us, we should not return to them the main group, united to let them catch up with us, the case of my death, comrade major takes command of the detachment, prosy, comrade red army soldiers, allow me to participate in the operation, with dignity, but in there will be a fight. only trained people, father veniam was a career officer. fine. savchenko, give father veniam a reserve carbine and two rounds of ammunition for it. eat. more questions, comrades red army soldiers. i'll go to the bridge, and you stay here. with all due respect. comrade major, you are a military doctor and do not have sufficient skills