so it's not just the self-incentive to prescribe morphy significance professional time. now the incentives are prescribing the use of technicians and less constrained resource if a physician practice, so the self-referral incentives become more powerful. when the services involve a technical facility payments and are more profitable. and one thing that nobody's payment system, except i think in germany, has gotten around, i'm sure there are some others internationally, is that in a service where the average costs of providing the service are much higher, than the marginal costs of providing an additional service, when fixed costs are very substantial, there will be still an additional incentive to use of the equipment more and provide more services. well, what could we do policywise to reduce these price distortions? i believe that medicare is very well positioned to lead in this area. for one thing, it does have credibility with providers. providers don't love medicare, but medicare is probably more credible than private payers with providers. and medicare has the abili