distill all of that and more down sat down recently with cultural historian and social critic morris berman here's a preview of their conversation america one time was the hope of the world it was that beacon of light that the new world the promise of but a better tomorrow and i think most people have come to the realization of no it's not so where is the hope in the modern world on a global level is it in subcultures that you see in any nation or is it really in subgroups and sub states. what we're talking about something now is a really good question and we're talking about something now that's much larger than just the united states. if we can say is the world systems analysis school does people like emmanuel wallerstein capitalisms day was roughly fifteen hundred to twenty one hundred that's the arc of of capital is expensive if we can say that that's the period then what what we have to look at is what's good how is that going to be replaced because it will no socio economic arrangement lasts forever if there's anything. i mean any story and with half a brain knows that if you study hi