it's morris cerullo's gift to you. a special gift that includes a booklet called god has a plan for your life. it's god's master plan to forgive you, to redeem you and give you a way to become a child of god. a long with this book, morris cerullo will send you the book and companion dvd that represents the full uncut version of this most anointed timely message entitled the single greatest sign of the return of jesus. just call its toll free. these are ministry gifts just for you when you act now. pick up the phone and call. yes, you can have these resources sent directly to you to share with your family and friends. if you like visit our website at; that's or you can always write and request your gifts at the address on the screen. call the toll free number now speak with one of our helpline prayer partners and walk with confidence knowing that you are chosen to be with jesus when he returns. morris: bow your heads we're going to pray. spirit of god, do the work of the father tonight.