morris kight: you know the issue here is that this restaurant here, barney's beanery, has been here a: and they have a sign saying, "fagots, stay out." now it doesn't offend me awfully but it offends everybody else. i think it's sort of funny in a way and i don't need to come here, but a great many people would like to, and they think that this sign comes out of an antique american idea which should have gone out of style along with "[audio gap] stay out," "no mexicans or dogs allowed." and these kinds of things have to go. now what we really would like, mr. rocco, is to have the sign retained, but changed. pat: how would you change it? morris: x out the "stay out" and say "faggots welcome." that, we would consider a victory. pat: you can see an awful lot of people protesting something. what do you think about it? speaker: man, i think it's disgraceful with the sign being up there, such as it is. speaker: i think that damn sign should be taken down. speaker: i think anyone has the right to do whatever they want providing it's not on the hollywood freeway at rush hour. troy: many peopl